All about Blood Glucose Meters
The proper storage of Blood Glucose Meters is vital. They can be damaged by excessively high or low temperatures. You shouldn’t store them in your car, or direct sunlight, as these conditions can cause a deterioration in the accuracy of the readings. Some models are more sensitive to extreme temperature changes than others. To protect them, you should store them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Feature of Blood Glucose Monitor
In almost all countries with resources, blood glucose metres are available and used frequently. This is partly because the supplies for testing blood glucose are not scarce in health facilities and clinical settings.
- When you buy a blood glucose meter, you must ensure that it has accurate results. You should be able to read the instructions on the package carefully and understand the numbers on the device. A message will be displayed if your glucose levels are out of range, depending on which brand of metre you have. The glucose metre should tell you the exact level of blood glucose within minutes.
- A blood glucose monitor is an excellent choice for diabetics who need to closely monitor their blood sugar levels and are concerned about the cost of a finger stick. Glucose monitors also provide useful feedback for behaviour change, which is beneficial in motivating people to take better care of their health. However, while the device was created for diabetes, its capabilities have broadened into other health areas.
- These devices typically use a small sensor inserted under the skin that is connected to a transmitter. These transmitters then send real-time readings to a monitor. In most cases, the sensor and transmitter are incorporated into a single device, and the information is displayed on a monitor. While most GMs display readings almost in real-time, there is usually a few minute delays if the readings are not of good quality.
- With these, users will need to prick their fingertips. The sensors are made of a tiny wire that is secured with an adhesive patch. This device is worn on the back of the arm or abdomen and transmits readings to a smart device or handheld electronic receiver.
Accuracy of a Blood Glucose Monitor
The accuracy of blood glucose meters is one of the most important aspects of this medical device. In the normal range, glucose levels are more accurate than those outside that range. In the abnormal range, however, the readings may deviate up to 20%. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure proper hand washing and application of blood before administering glucose tests. In addition, accurate measurements are crucial to the overall health of diabetics.
In general, blood glucose meters are accurate. However, there are a few factors that can affect the accuracy of the readings. First, the meter should be stored at room temperature in an unopened, airtight container. Secondly, test strips should be stored in individual wrapping and should be fully inserted into the meter. In addition, a blood glucose meter should have the latest firmware. A high-quality meter should offer the latest updates.
Alternate Site Testing
A lot of people are hesitant to test their blood glucose levels using their fingers or another site. An alternate site can be used instead, and it can reduce pain. It can also be used for more frequent testing. Your healthcare provider can offer you more information about alternate site testing. However, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider before undergoing this method.
Although fingerstick tests are still the most accurate way to test your glucose level, some alternate sites can also be considered. Testing with alternative sites can also be accurate, and it may take a few secs. And the results are also reliable when your blood sugar is stable and not moving rapidly. Moreover, you can use it to track your weight loss or HbA1c levels.
Cost of a Blood Glucose Monitor
The cost of a blood glucose meter varies widely depending on the features it has and the size and brand. A cheaper blood glucose meter is less expensive, but it may not come with a colour screen or Bluetooth capabilities. On the other hand, a more expensive meter can come with a lot of advanced features, such as automatic blood sugar monitoring. Regardless of the meter’s price, it is important to consider that it will be necessary to check the glucose level in a few weeks.
Glucose meters are often available at drugstores and doctor’s offices. You can even subscribe to a subscription service that will provide test strips at a discounted price. The Advanced iCare 200/700, OK Match I/II Blood Glucose Meter from Jal Innovation (Singapore) Pte Ltd can also be bought. This blood glucose meter uses the traditional finger-stick method and alternate site method to collect a blood sample.
Other Types of Blood Glucose Measuring Systems
Using an insulin pump with a blood glucose meter is also a great option for diabetes patients who don’t have access to a glucose monitoring system. These devices send readings every five minutes to a transmitter. The pump will then send this information to a display so the patient can see their blood glucose level. Unlike the traditional method of doing fingersticks, the insulin pump sends readings to the transmitter, which then displays the readings on a digital screen.
The Bottom Line
You should use Blood Glucose Monitor systems if you are suffering from diabetes, or at the risk of diabetes. This article covers all the features and important points related to blood glucose meter that one must know before using and buying them, as they are a very helpful device for constantly and accurately monitoring your blood glucose levels, and keeping you away from this risks and diseases.